Advertising on Twitch increases viewer engagement with a brand
Multifaceted advertising campaigns on Twitch, a video-streaming platform popular among video game fans, can have a significant impact on how often Twitch viewers engage with a brand, according to new research led by an undergraduate student in Penn State’s Department of Nutritional Sciences.
Applications sought for undergraduate research fellowship
The Materials Research Institute (MRI) is accepting applications for the MRI Undergraduate Fellowship program, which gives Penn State undergraduate students access to cutting-edge, advanced instrumentation normally reserved for graduate students.
Abington sophomore parlays passion, aptitude for STEM into building career path
A Penn State Abington engineering major is flourishing academically and laying the groundwork for the future by capitalizing on opportunities open to undergraduates, including research and presenting at professional conferences with the support of his faculty mentor.
Libraries' Undergraduate Research Jumpstart Program seeks participants
Penn State undergraduate students who wish to learn strategies and gain support needed to become successful undergraduate researchers are encouraged to apply for the spring 2023 Undergraduate Research Jumpstart Program.
Understanding how advertising on Twitch affects viewers
Multifaceted advertising campaigns on Twitch, a video-streaming platform popular among video game fans, can have a significant impact on how often Twitch viewers engage with a brand, according to new research led by an undergraduate student in Penn State’s Department of Nutritional Sciences.
PSU-LV students collaborate on data analysis with students from Uzbekistan
Penn State Lehigh Valley students work with students from Osh University in Uzbekistan to jointly analyze tuberculosis infection rates and formulate predictions.
Berks student awarded Cayman Biomedical Research Institute fellowship
Roman Voskoboynikov, a junior biochemistry and molecular biology major at Penn State Berks, is the recipient of the Undergraduate Fellowship from the Cayman Biomedical Research Institute for his research on "The regulation of lipid transport and metabolism by the splicing factor glorund in the Drosophila intestine."
Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring Office
321 Boucke Building
University Park, PA 16802
814-863-8199 |
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
Monday March 1711:30 pm
Wednesday March 193:30 pm