Undergraduates invited to participate in virtual research workshops
The Office for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring and University Libraries are offering virtual workshops during Summer Session II to help undergraduates understand and explore the world of research at Penn State. Students from all academic disciplines and campuses are encouraged to attend.
Erickson Grants awarded for summer 2020
A total of 64 Erickson Discovery Grants were awarded for summer 2020, allowing for funded student research, scholarship or creative processes.
Schuylkill students seek to improve public health through antibiotic discovery
Penn State Schuylkill students have joined the Small World Initiative and Tiny Earth Program, international projects where students participate in the crowdsourcing of antibiotic discovery.
Psychology student's experience at York campus prepared her for next steps
Mindy Cruzin is headed to medical school and she credits the opportunities and experiences she had at Penn State York for making it possible. She said there was plenty of hard work, but the environment at York campus inspired her to do more.
Behrend student leads study of short-interval timer inconsistencies
Ethan Fontana noticed an inconsistency while using a ticker tape timer in a Penn State Behrend physics lab. When he couldn’t find an explanation, he set out to study the cause himself.
Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award recipients announced
Penn State University Libraries and the Schreyer Honors College announced the ninth annual Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award recipients on May 29, following the three finalists’ remote presentations. A recording of their presentations is available online.
Engineering student to research Salmonella with Erickson Discovery Grant
Penn State electrical engineering student Cassandra Nuñez has been awarded a 2020 Erickson Discovery Grant to study the motion of Salmonella under antibiotic and heat stress.
Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award finalists to present research May 29
Three final candidates selected for the 2020 University Libraries Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award will present a summary of their scholarly research to the public and judges on May 29, online. Penn State University Libraries and the Schreyer Honors College partner in presenting the award.
Engineering capstone design showcase winners announced
With the shift to a virtual format for this year’s College of Engineering Learning Factory Capstone Design Project Showcase, students shared their semester’s hard work on the showcase’s newly developed website. The showcase took place entirely online from May 1 to 8.
Students explore the challenges of grandparents raising grandchildren
This semester, students in the Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) program teamed up with local nonprofit, Square One, to address the rising concern of the opioid epidemic in the region and how it is changing the shape of families.
Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring Office
321 Boucke Building
University Park, PA 16802
814-863-8199 |
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
Monday March 1711:30 pm
Wednesday March 193:30 pm