Two Penn Staters named finalists for Rhodes Scholarship
Two Penn Staters were named finalists for the Rhodes Scholarship, one of the most sought-after international scholarships in the world.
Learning Factory now accepting spring 2024 project submissions
The Bernard M. Gordon Learning Factory is now accepting submissions to sponsor a capstone design project for spring 2024.
Undergrads and recent grads can still apply to major fellowships, scholarships
Deadlines are coming up in October and later in the fall semester for several national fellowships and scholarships for undergraduates and recent graduates such as Fulbright, Goldwater and Gates Cambridge.
Penn State University College faculty foster STEM research opportunities
Numerous undergraduate research programs in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are offered at Penn State University College campuses, providing students with a special chance early in their post-secondary academic careers.
Penn State student researcher studies how tourism can protect gorillas in Rwanda
Brandon George took his learning from Penn State’s recreation, park and tourism management program to the real world this summer as a research assistant in a gorilla sanctuary in Rwanda.
Five engineering student teams honored in national airport design competition
Five student teams from Penn State’s Engineering Leadership Development program in the School of Engineering Design and Innovation earned recognition in the 17th-annual University Design Competition for Addressing Airport Needs, sponsored by the Transportation Research Board’s Airport Cooperative Research Program.
Penn State Harrisburg students present research at criminal justice conference
Penn State Harrisburg and World Campus students had the opportunity to present their research recently at the annual conference of the Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences.
Twenty-four students earn awards at the 2023 Undergraduate Exhibition
Twenty-four students were recognized for their presentations of their research or creative venture during the 2023 Undergraduate Exhibition, held April 10-12.
52 undergraduates earn Erickson Discovery Grants
Erickson Discovery Grants were awarded to 52 undergraduate Penn State students to help cover costs related to undergraduate research.
Penn State Berks students earn Erickson Discovery Grant to fund summer research
Two Penn State Berks students will spend this summer engaged in their respective funded research opportunities. Sophomore Daniel Abramov and senior Sydney Bankert received the Erickson Discovery Grant; they are two of 50 who received the grant.
Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring Office
321 Boucke Building
University Park, PA 16802
814-863-8199 |
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
Monday March 1711:30 pm
Wednesday March 193:30 pm