
Penn State York to host Eastern Regional Undergraduate Research Symposium

Students from eight campuses will take part in the Eastern Regional Undergraduate Research Symposium to share their work in a poster exhibition on Saturday, April 22, from noon to 4:30 p.m. in the conference center at Penn State York. 

Altoona hosts annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Fair

The event offers students a chance to share their research projects and other creative activities with the campus community, friends, and family members through oral presentations, poster presentations, and performances.

Power of the pitch: Abington student researchers compete, develop career skills

Penn State Abington student researchers delivered their well-practiced elevator pitches on April 12 at the annual ACURA (Abington College Undergraduate Research Activities) exhibition. About 60 students presented 31 projects, answering questions from faculty judges about the process and results.

Undergraduate research on display at New Kensington

Penn State New Kensington students presented their undergraduate research at the 21st Annual Research and Student Engagement Expo on April 11. 

Penn State Wilkes-Barre announces winners in research fair

Penn State Wilkes-Barre recently held the Celebration of Scholarship, an annual research fair at the campus. The event allows faculty and students to present their current research, scholarship and artistic endeavors.

Hazleton chemical engineering major finds enrichment in undergraduate research

Penn State Hazleton chemical engineering major Elisa Tarbell has taken advantage of numerous undergraduate research opportunities to enrich her education and shape her future in the STEM field.

Penn State York students go out of the classroom, into the field to study nature

Two Penn State York students have been working with Jorge Santiago-Blay, adjunct lecturer in biology at Penn State York, to assist in his new research project about birds.

Judges still needed for Undergraduate Exhibition on April 10-12

Judges are still needed for the Undergraduate Exhibition on Research, Inquiry, and Creative Activity, to be held April 10-12. Faculty, emeriti faculty, staff, postdocs and doctoral students trained as researchers are encouraged to volunteer. 

Geosciences student reviews climate misinformation literature as class project

Geosciences student reviews climate misinformation literature as class project

Fourth-year student Alysha Ulrich combined her passion for communication and climate change to compose a literature review on climate misinformation as a class project, which was published in the 2023 spring edition of the Stanford Intersect Journal of Science, Technology and Society.

Altoona students present research at state criminal justice conference

Jazzmine McCauley and Ziwei "Will" Lin participated in the undergraduate student research showcase at the annual meeting for the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Justice Educators, held March 24–25 at Slippery Rock University.
