I mainly study massive star winds that are driven by radiation. However, it involves significant amount of numerical computation, visualization and analysis of large data sets. However, I am seeking student involvements in a wide range of other topics that require numerical computations/computer modeling. For example, supernovae, accretion disks, solar winds, planetary magnetospheres (like Jupiter) etc. I have experience with a number of different astrophysical numerical codes such as Zeus-MP, FLASH, PLUTO, AMRVAC. Most of them use Fortran, but PLUTO uses C programming language. These codes are very versatile and I will be happy to guide any interested student in learning and applying these tools. An ideal student will be familiar with Unix/Linux type of computer operating system, know scientific programming language (Fortran, C, C++), or other script languages (Perl, Python etc). Having a strong calculus background will also be helpful.
Knowledge of a scientific programming language, e.g. Fortran or C preferred; basic calculus;
Cover letter, unofficial transcipt
Email with interest to Dr. Asif ud-Doula at uddoulaATpsu.edu, If possible, include a short statement of your personal interest in research: your background, what you are interested in and what you would like to achieve.