Sylvia Biscoveanu is originally from Yardley, PA. She is pursuing majors in Physics and Spanish. Her undergraduate research includes working on two major international experiments: the Pierre Auger Observatory, which explores the highest-energy cosmic rays in the universe, and the LIGO collaboration, which studies gravitational waves. “Ms. Biscoveanu is the only physics major who has ever traveled to four different continents while an undergraduate to participate in research,” according to Dr. Richard Robinett, professor of physics.

Sylvia is unusual in that she is a recipient of both the Goldwater Scholarship and Astronaut Foundation awards. “The fellowship application process was excellent preparation for graduate school applications, and being a Goldwater and Astronaut Scholar was undoubtedly a huge factor in my successful graduate school admissions so far - I’ve been accepted to several of the top Physics PhD programs in the country. The Fellowships Office has been an integral part of my success in applying for these fellowships. I was always encouraged and made aware of opportunities, and I’ve received feedback on my essays and interview preparation help.”

Majors in Physics, Spanish
Year of Graduation: 
17 (all day)
2016-2017 Goldwater Scholarship